
The Minter contract is responsible for handling the details of your NFT mint. It has various admin features to ensure you have complete control over the NFT drop.

  • Total Supply - The maximum number of tokens the contract will mint. Many communities elect to choose a couple thousand tokens. This ensures the community is large enough to generate some form of revenue in an open market, but also isn't so large that it's impossible to manage. If you want a community of just 5 people though, that's fine too!

  • Price - The amount of ETH or native token that users are required to purchase the NFT's for during the initial drop. If you set it to zero, they will be free.

  • Creator Shares - Sometimes as the creator of a project you might want to split the revenue from the NFT sale with yourself. Enter a percent here to share the revenue generated between the Creator and the DAO. Hey, creators need to pay rent too!

  • Sale Start Block - For NFT drops that happen in the future, you can pick a specific block number for the sale to start at. If you set the number to 0 (or any value in the past) the mint will be live as soon as it's deployed.

Different networks have different block times and block heights. We try to populate this box with the most recent block number, but use a block explorer to be sure. Learn more about blocks here.

  • Minting Strategy - If the token ID has a special value to members, you might want to let them choose their own token IDs. Otherwise, choosing sequential means purchasers will receive token Ids in the order that they mint.

  • Max Mints per Transaction - This limits the number of tokens a single address can mint in a single transaction. Useful if you want to help prevent greedy minters.

  • Buyer Filtering - Limit minting to only individuals who already hold certain NFT's. Enter a contract address for the NFT (must be ERC721 compatible, unfortunately, CryptoPunks are not.) This can be used like an allowlist.

Last updated